
Showing posts from July, 2020

Scientists 3D Print Functioning Human Heart | University of Minnesota | ...


Expectations vs Reality: If Every Home Had a 3D Printer?

On average, over 8,000 people die each year in the U.S. because they can't get an organ transplant. But, what if we could actually rebuild our failing organs? That possibility of creating anything you want from home could be just around the corner with a 3D printer. Right now, our bodies face the possibility of breaking down. But, what if we could wipe out that risk by creating medical devices that can help us, like hearing aids, pacemakers, or new dentures. Imagine if we could actually 3D bioprint our vital organs. 3D printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing is a manufacturing process that takes a digital file known as computer-aided design or CAD and brings that 3D model to life. The most common 3D printing process is known as it works the same way as your standard ink-jet printer, except instead of ink, it uses thermoplastic material, which gets pushed through a nozzle, like a hot glue gun. A spool of filament is loaded into a printer and gets heated up. It keeps layerin